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FREE lunch! Metrocard and summer classes at BMCC

URGENT. COLLEGE READY grads get MMP 100 or CSC 101 free this summer at BMCC - App deadline June 20


We are excited to share with grads planning to attend BMCC, and any of your kids who have yet to decide on a college:

We are reducing restrictions for the "FIT FOR COLLEGE" summer program for your grads only - now we are inviting students who are college ready based on CUNY criteria to earn FREE college credits this summer and they will receive lunch and a free MetroCard to get to class! Theycan choose from Computer Information Systems (CSC 101) or Multimedia Art and Programming (MMP 100).

Students must come in to BMCC campus and visit the Transfer and Advisement office by Wednesday the 20th to Register for either free summer course. If the student is NOT absolutely college ready they must go through math testing to determine eligibility (and if they require MAT 51 they still qualify so long as they take it this summer - also free).

Both courses begins on June 28 and ends on August 6th and run 11:30am - 4pm Monday – Thursday.

The Fit for College Program includes:

· 1 FREE credit-bearing course that satisfies both the CUNY scientific world requirement AND the intro requirement for the Multimedia Art and Technology Department or the Computer Information Systems Department.

· FREE Metro Card

· FREE lunch

· Three fun and educational activities throughout the program

· Peer mentoring

· Tutoring

· FREE Developmental math workshop if needed

You can send students directly to BMCC to sign up by Wednesday June 20th - please print this email and tell them to bring it with them to the advisor at 199 Chambers Street S108 Academic Advisement and Transfer. Students should contact if they have questions or need additional info.

or contact Janet Esquirol at ( about Multimedia Art & Design

or Dr. Azhar about CIS at (


Looking forward to hearing from you.

Janice Zummo, PhD

Assistant Dean for Academic Support Services

Borough of Manhattan Community College

The City University of New York

199 Chambers Street - New York, NY 10007

Phone: 212 776-6256


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